Policy and Procedures

Membership Procedure

  • Membership/Borrower card is required to borrow books from the Circulation and Book Bank Sections.
  • Circulation Sections is responsible for providing this service to Students, Faculty Members and Staff desiring membership
  • Undergraduate Students, Post Graduate Students, Researchers, Faculty members or employees desiring membership are required to fill up the membership form and submit photocopy of their university ID card along with two passport size photographs.
  • Faculty members and employees must renew their membership and borrower card in case of promotion, change of designation or change of department etc.
  • Borrower card is non-transferable and users must present University ID card and library borrower card at the time of borrowing books.

Issue/ Return Policy

Book Bank

  • Book Bank issues up to 6 books to every member, for a semester on rent, which is 10% of cost of the book.
  • Books are issued on first-come-first serve basis on notified dates which are announced on departmental notice board at the beginning of semester.
  • Members must sign corresponding book card at the time of issuance of book(s) and submit it to the dealing staff.
  • Students are required to return the borrowed books within seven days after completion of semester examination, which is notified through notices and emails.

Circulation Section

  • The circulation section issues books for a specified period of time, after which the borrower must either return the book or re-issue the book. (Details in chart below)
  • Members must sign corresponding book card at the time of issuance of book(s) and submit it to the dealing staff. While returning the book(s), members must ensure removal of the book card(s) from his/her Library Borrower Card.
  • Books can be re-issued online, twice by faculty members and once by all other members.
  • In case the borrower card is lost or damaged, the borrower must inform the concerned library personnel immediately in writing, so that the duplicate card can be issued at prescribed fee.
  • Duplicate borrower card will only be issued to the applicant, if the library dues are cleared.

No of Books Loan by Category  for Circulation Sections


Reference Material

  • Library Members can borrow books, Journals, magazines, government documents and other reference materials from reference, periodical or government document sections on presentation of their University I.D. card.
  • The use of the reference material is only restricted for study inside the library.
  • CD/DVD Writing facility of accompanying materials is available Non Book material section at free of cost.

Fine Policy of Book Bank and Circulation Section

  • If book is not returned by the due date then late return fine will be charged @ Rs. 10.00 per book per day.
  • If the book is not returned for a year, it will be considered LOST, after which it will have to be replaced.
  • If the book(s) are damaged mutilated or lost, the defaulter shall be required to replace the books with a new one or to pay twice the prevailing market policy as per library policy.

Gift and Donation Policy

Engr.Abul Kalam Library will accept the gift and Donation at the discretion of the librarian.

Following is the guideline for accepting any offer of gifts and Donations.

  • The Engr.Abul Kalam library selectively accepts print and electronic materials according to its subject profile. It accepts gifts and donations in the subject area of engineering, technology and allied sciences.
  • The donor should present the typed list of materials he/she wants to donate in advance (in person, by mail, via e-mail, or fax )
  • The library does not usually accept duplicates of materials already in collection and the material in poor physical condition.
  • Materials, which the library decides to decline after the review process, might be discarded or given back to the donor, or gives to other needy user.
  • The library has a right to accept or reject presented or donated materials at the point of an offer or, if accepted initially for a review, --- after the review process.
  • The donor is responsible to arrange the delivery or transfer of a donation / gift.
  • No special restrictions and requirements should be imposed by a donor as to the location and utilization of donated items.
  • Once offered and accepted, donations become the property of the library and cannot be returned to the donor.
  • Acknowledgement letters are sent to a donor, as the library appreciates the donor’s generosity in presenting a gift to the library. In this regard kindly share your name and e-mail address with library.
  • The library reserves the right to dispose of any gift that seems unsuitable or unwanted.