
News & Events  


The Library, in facilitation of SENTEC Society under the Department of Student Affairs, provided its Digital Library for conducting a competition Techfest 6.0 on 9th January, 2024. Total 75 students from various teaching departments of the University participated in the competition.

Ms. Huma Sardar, Ag. Librarian, Syed Basit Ali, Deputy Librarian and Ms. Nazia Sami, Assistant Librarian visited the Department of Architecture and Planning on 9th January, 2024. The purpose of the visit was to discuss the matter related to City Campus Library with the Chairperson. The discussed issues reported to the PVC/CLC on the same day.

Mr. Ghulam Malick, senior Alumnus visited the University on 31st January, 2024. He was also visited the Library alongwith Dr. Sarosh Hashmat Lodi, Vice-Chancellor, NED UET and briefed about Digital Library services and resources provided therein.

The Library has modified and updated various departmental data reports related to the Library. These reports are commonly use in SARs, visits of Accreditation Bodies, HEC and other learned bodies. These reports have now, made available on the University Portal and presented in the Meeting of Library Committee held on 28th February, 2024.
A high level delegation of the International Steel Ltd., ISL under the leadership of Engr. Yousuf H. Mirza, CEO visited NED University on 5th March, 2024. The delegation was received by the Team of the University.                                          The delegation was also welcomed in the Library, where in presence of the Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-chancellor, Deans and Chairpersons and Library Officials, commemorative plaque was unveiled by the CEO. The event was arranged in regard to acknowledge his generous financial support for the renovation of Reference Section of the Library. Afterwards he was visited to the different sections of the Library and briefed about the library resources, services and facilities.
An extensive awareness session on the Koha; an Integrated Library Management System for the Assistant Librarians of remote campus libraries namely City Campus, LEJ Campus and TIEST Campus was arranged in Engr. Abul Kalam Library at the main campus on 8th March, 2024. The participants were demonstrated various related features of different modules of the Koha including various data reports of the Library developed and made available on Koha as well as through the University Portal.
Syed Basit Ali, Deputy Librarian and Mr. Muhammad Farooq Khan, Assistant Librarian attended the 1st All Pakistan University Libraries Convention 2024 held on 22nd April, 2024 at Bahria University Karachi. The Convention included two panel discussions and three workshops on contemporary issues of Library Community of the country. This one day event was organized by Bahria University Karachi Campus with collaborative partners namely PLA, PASTIC, PLC, NLA and PFLA.

Two workshops on Library Digital Resources: Access & Utilization for 3rd year students of Computer Science and Information Technology on 19th April, 2024 and Computer and Information Systems Engineering conducted on 24th April, 2024 respectively at the Digital Library. The workshop was hosted by Ms. Naveen Ali, ITM (JE).

A training session titled Analyzing Bibliometric Data using Scopus Database was conducted for 3rd year students of Economics and Management Sciences on 26th April, 2024. The session was conducted at the Digital Library by Dr. Farhan Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Management Sciences.

A training session under the QEC Faculty Development Program titled Effective Utilization of Library Resources was arranged for the faculty members of the University on 26th April, 2024 at the Digital Library. Ms. Naveen Ali ITM, (JE) conducted the session. A large number of faculty members from various teaching departments of the University attended the session.
Total 2296 books donated by the BIG, USA and 235 journals received as complimentary in the Library over the long time period handed over to the higher management of Hyderabad Institute for Technology and Management Sciences, Hyderabad for their library on 2nd May, 2024 upon their request.
The Library contributed in the University Undergraduate Pre-Admission Entry Test, PAET-24 which was conducted online. The Library facilitated in conducting PAET-24 (Phase-I) entry tests in its Digital Library during 4th – 6th May, 2024 in four sessions each day.
The Library, taking advantages of increased accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced learning opportunities of Pearson DIGITAL Textbooks, arranged an online demonstration showcasing Kortext Platform for Pearson Ebooks on 10th May, 2024 at Ashraf Habibullah Conference Hall, Civil Engineering Department. The session was hosted by Ms. Naveen Ali and online demonstrated by the Pearson Trainer. This two hours session was attended by thirty-five faculty members from various teaching departments.
Mr. Sameem Kardar, Assistant Librarian attended the 5th PLC National Convention held on 4th May, 2024 at Islamabad. This one day event was organized by the Pakistan Library Club (PLC) in collaboration with National Library of Pakistan. He also attended Five Days Training Programme on “Modern Library Services in Digital Environment” held during 6th – 10th May, 2024. The event was organized by National Centre for Rural Development (NCRD) at Akhtar Hameed Khan National Centre, Islamabd.
Total 337 books (including 298 donated books of BIG, USA) and 170 journals received as complimentary in the Library over the long time period were handed over to Mr. Irfan Ali Abro, Librarian, Institute of Chest Diseases, Kortri-Jamshoro for their library  on 13th May, 2024 upon their request.
A delegation for PEC Accreditation of three engineering programmes of the University namely Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering and Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering visited the Library on 16th May, 2024. The visitation team was the aim with observing common facilities for the offered undergraduate engineering programmes of the University. During their visit, a brief presentation containing library resources, services and facilities was delivered. The delegation also visited different sections of the Library.
Ms. Huma Sardar, Ag. Librarian, Syed Basit Ali, Deputy Librarian and Ms. Nazia Sami, Assistant Librarian attended a workshop titled “A workshop on Leadership and Team Management” on 16th May, 2024 at Lecture Hall, NED Academy. The event was arranged by the QEC of the University and conducted by Mr. Adnan Khan, General Manager SIT, SUPARCO.

A delegation from CAS (Chemical Abstracts Services), a division of the American Chemical Society, visited the Library to present their renowned innovative solutions like CAS SciFinder, CAS Analytical Methods, and CAS Formulas.

Three member delegation namely Ms. Jo-an Chia, Mr. Andrew McKay and Mr. Rashid Pervez was visited the Library. Later on, the delegation delivered a presentation to Chairpersons of DEC, MMD, END, CYD and BMD alongwith relevant senior faculty members including the Library Officials at the Lecture Hall of MED on 31st May, 2024. Prof. Dr. Noman Ahmed, Dean ASC was the Chief Guest of the event.
Ms. Huma Sardar, Ag. Librarian and Ms. Nazia Sami, Assistant Librarian attended an “Awareness Session on Family Planning and Benefits”. The programme was organized by Population Welfare Department, Government of Sindh in collaboration with Medical Department of the University on 3rd June, 2024 at AV Hall, Mechanical Engineering Department, NEDUET.
Ms. Huma Sardar, Ag. Librarian, Syed Basit Ali, Deputy Librarian, Mr. M. Farooq Khan, Dr. Khurram Shafi, Mr. M. Imran Khan and Ms. Tadeeb Anwar, Assistant Librarians attended Farewell Ceremony of Dr. Farhat Hussain, former Chairperson, Department of Library & Information Science, University of Karachi. The event was jointly organized by Library Professionals, Alumni and Students on 4th June, 2024 at AV Hall, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi.

The visitation team of Self-Post Graduate Program Review (PGPR) of MS/ M.Phil. / Ph.D. Programme of the University visited the Library on 7th June, 2024 for observing facilities and infrastructure. Team consist of Dr. Faaz Ahmed But, Deputy Director QEC-I, Mr. Shahzad Afzal Kayani, Director QEC, Hamdard University as External Evaluator.

During their visit, a brief presentation containing library resources, services and facilities was delivered. The Team also visited the Reference Library and few students were inquired about the offered library facilities to them.

Two training sessions namely Eviews – modern econometric, statistics, and forecasting package for 3rd year students of Management Sciences and SPSS – structural equation modeling software was arranged for 3rd year students of Economics & Finance on 7th June, 2024 at the Digital Library. The sessions were conducted by Dr. Farhan Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Management Sciences.
The Library contributed in the University Online Undergraduate Pre-Admission Entry Test, PAET-24. The Library facilitated in conducting PAET-24 Phase-II through its Digital Library. The entry test was conducted during 5th to 8th June, 2024 in different sessions each day.

A training session on Microsoft Excel was arranged for students of Computational Finance (BSCF), Department of Mathematics on 13th & 14th June, 2024. The session was conducted at the Digital Library by the trainers of BADRI Management Consultancy.


The Library contributed in the University Online Undergraduate Pre-Admission Entry Test, PAET-24. The Library facilitated in conducting PAET-24 for A Level category candidates through its Digital Library. The entry test was conducted on 15th June, 2024.

One day summer camp titled STEM Summer Camp was arranged in the Digital Library on 28th June, 2024. Around forty students of age group 5 to 15 years from different schools of the city participated in the camp.
Dr. M. Khurram Shafi, Assistant Librarian attended three days training workshop on Exploring the Nexus: Artificial Intelligence and Libraries”. The workshop was jointly organized by Central Library, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Sheringal, Upper Dir, KPK and PASTIC and arranged on 28th to 30th June, 2024. The event included tour of National Library of Pakistan and National Book Foundation, Islamabad.

An official delegation of bureaucrats visited the University on 3rd July 2024. The  delegation led by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tufail, Pro-Vice Chancellor also visited the  Library, where, the worthy PVC briefed on library resources, services and recent  renovation in the Library. The delegation commended strenuous efforts of the  University Authorities.

An official delegation of bureaucrats visited the University on 3rd July 2024. The  delegation led by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tufail, Pro-Vice Chancellor also visited the  Library, where, the worthy PVC briefed on library resources, services and recent  renovation in the Library. The delegation commended strenuous efforts of the  University Authorities.The University Orientation Carnival 2024 held on 19th August, 2024 near Mehmood Alam Auditorium and organized by the Department of Students Affairs of the University. Engr. Abul Kalam Library participated in the event through setting up stall to make aware of newcomer students of Batch 2024 about the library facilities, resources and services.
Ms. Huma Sardar, Ag. Librarian alongwith some senior Library Officials visited the worthy Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Sarosh H. Lodi on 23rd August, 2024 and congratulated him on winning elections for PEC Governing Body (2024–27) as Senior Vice Chairman.  The elections of Pakistan Engineering Council were held on 18th August, 2024.
Ms. Huma Sardar, Ag. Librarian, Ms. Naveen Ali, ITM (JE) alongwith some other Library Officials attended and represented the Library in the 2nd International Conference on Kohacon24 – Digital Horizon: Information Society & Future Landscape of Librarianship. Two papers were presented by the Officials of Engr. Abul Kalam Library. The conference was jointly organized by Pakistan Library Council, PLC, Department of Library & Information Science, University of Karachi in collaboration with the Koha Community Pakistan. The event was held at the University of Karachi, on 22nd & 23rd August, 2024.